Fair and flexible pricing options
Great pricing options regardless if you’re experienced or new to the crypto game. No subscription or lock-in, only pay for the years you need to declare. Try Divly for free before you commit.
Great pricing options regardless if you’re experienced or new to the crypto game. No subscription or lock-in, only pay for the years you need to declare. Try Divly for free before you commit.
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Book an onboarding call to received personalized help using Divly to declare your crypto taxes. Benefit from personalized assistance with importing transactions into Divly, a thorough review of your account, validation of every transaction, including previous years. Alternatively, let a local crypto tax expert handle and submit your complete tax return for your. Choose the level of help that suits you best.
Hvordan beregnes antallet af transaktioner for hvert prisniveau?
Det er kun transaktioner for det sidste skatteår der inkluderes i beregningen. For eksempel, så lad os antage at du lavede 150 transaktioner i skatteåret du tilfælde vil Divly kun tælle 150 transaktioner når du betaler for din skatterapport.
Hvornår skal jeg betale?
Du kan uploade, redigere og lave alle forberedelser før du betaler. Du vil skalkun betale, når du er sikker på, at Divly kan hjælpe dig.
Hva om jeg har mer enn 25 000 transaksjoner?
Vi kan stadig hjælpe dig. Kontakt support på [email protected] for mere information
Is the Divly payment a recurring subscription?
No, by purchasing a Divly tax report you are not signing up to a recurring subscription. The payment is one-off. If you want to purchase your tax report again next year, you will need to make a new payment.
Does Divly have a business product?
Can I pay for someone to do my crypto taxes for me?