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How to do your Cardano taxes in 2025

How to export your Cardano transaction history

Divly has built a very complex integration with the Cardano blockchain to efficiently import all your transactions.

Automatic import

Divly has built an integration that lets you automatically import your Cardano transaction data directly from the Cardano blockchain. Divly's integration uses your public Cardano Stake Key to fetch all transactions. Divly will never ask for your private keys, remember to always keep them secret!


Two examples of supported formats that can be used in Divly:

  • addr1q9kxj3sa... (starts with "addr)
  • stake1u8etz6r7... (starts with "stake")

Divly will automatically import all transactions associated with the relevant Controlled Stake Key regardless of which above format you choose to use.

Step by step guide:

  1. Copy and paste in your public Cardano Stake Key. Make sure the wallet address is correct when pasting it.

  2. Click the button Save Wallet Address and Divly will import all associated transactions.