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How to do your Avalanche (AVAX) taxes in 2025

How to export your Avalanche transaction history

Automatic import

Divly has built an integration that lets you automatically import your Avalanche transaction data directly from the Avalanche blockchain. Divly's integration uses your public Avalanche Address to fetch all transactions. Divly will never ask for your private keys, remember to always keep them secret!


Divly attempts to match decentralized trades and swaps automatically (including tokens and NFT trades). However, when there are 3 or more assets in the same transaction, Divly will import them as deposits and withdrawals. If you want to match these trades, please do so manually in Divly on the transactions page.

Step by step guide:

  1. Copy and paste in your Avalanche Address. Make sure the wallet address is correct when pasting it.

  2. Select the blockchain Avalanche (AVAX).

  3. Click the button Save Wallet Address and Import and Divly will import all associated transactions.

Common Issues

If the Automatic Import fails to connect, please try again. It can happen that the API used is momentarily overloaded.