
Can I use both the File Import and Automatic Import for the same wallet?

Quick Answer

For best results, avoid using two different import methods for the same wallet or exchange. For example, if you are importing your Kraken transactions, use either the File Import OR the Automatic Import, but not both.

Detailed Answer

How transactions are exported can differ between an exchanges file export and their automatic API export. This can lead to Divly incorrectly importing duplicate transactions.

Unless the wallet guide clearly states that you can mix and match the two different import methods, you should avoid doing this. It is better to choose one method and stick with it for each unique wallet or exchange.

Sometimes the Automatic Import may not capture all transaction types. In these cases it is ok to import a file with the missing transaction types. If you do this, make sure to isolate the missing transactions in the file to avoid uploading other duplicate transactions. If you are unsure how to do this feel free to contact Divly support.

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